Complex Infocommunication and Mobile Development 2020
Wild Cherry Media Ltd.
The amount of the contracted subsidy is 4 600 000 HUF.
Aid rate (%): 40%
Project content:
In the framework of this project, our company is implementing a complex IT investment in the following areas: Corporate CRM, Sales, Human Resources, Controlling & Decision Support, Purchasing, Logistics, Finance, Accounting & Functional systems that use related mobile technology, given the fact that we work together in several cases. The software encompasses complete enterprise management and is necessary for the development of the company, it is essential for multiple employees to work in one system. The efficiency of our operations will be greatly improved by the introduction of automated and traceable systems.
Estimated completion date of the project: 31.01.2018.
Project ID: GINOP-3.2.2-8-2-4-16-2017-01022